We believe
that how we care for children, protect their welfare, and prepare them for the future are the most important issues we face during our lifetime.
Protecting Our Children, Breaking the Cycle
A significant number of our children do not presently enjoy a healthy, nurturing and safe home environment. This lack of security increases the likelihood that crime, drug and alcohol addiction, child abuse and family violence will continue to be perpetuated in their lives as they become adults.
Effects of Neglect & Abuse on Children

Our History
The Coalition for the Protection of Children (CPC) was established in 1992 to address the need for a non-governmental organization to advocate on behalf of children and their families. The CPC was instrumental in developing the New Protection of Children Legislation in 2000, successfully lobbied for new Day Care regulations and established the Inter-agency Planning Committee for Children.
The CPC expanded into direct service provision to meet the growing needs of Bermudian children and their families. Over the years, the CPC’s services have included intervention, therapeutic treatment, a child abuse hotline, food assistance and a free Breakfast program.
Currently, we operate a walk-in crisis intervention centre, with life-coaching and a triage service. We offer grocery support for struggling families through our onsite storehouse, as well as an educational fund for caregivers who are looking to improve their skills. We facilitate 2 school-based programs: Speak up Be Safe, which is a child abuse prevention program and the Breakfast Program.

Our Vision
We envision a Bermuda where every child grows up in a safe, healthy, nurturing environment with equal access to proper nutrition and advancement opportunities.
Our Mission
Our mission is to heighten public awareness of children's issues, advocate on behalf of families and provide services which address critical but unmet needs.
We aim to:
Achieve a broadly based understanding in the community about the importance of providing a safe, healthy and nurturing environment for children;
Provide therapeutic services to children and their families seeking assistance;
Encourage and support self-sufficiency through programs and services that seek to empower families;
Advocate for child protection and rights through policy, procedures and legislation;
Promote a restorative, holistic and healing approach to issues that impact children and their families;
Ensure that an adequate safety-net exists for the prevention, intervention and treatment of children and families who have experienced trauma by working collaboratively with other helping agencies.
Our Progress, your Involvement
Too many children live in situations where basic nutrition is not available to them.

Trained, caring staff
that are passionate and motivated to advocate on behalf our most vulnerable

The CPC is thankful to have officially obtained certification by the Bermuda National Standards Committee. Our goal is to produce optimal results and have a measured impact with our work. Good governance, accountability and indicators for success drive us to constantly improve our efforts. Meeting international best practice standards is not only important to us as a team but is foundational in terms of our sustainability as an organization.
Our Structure
Our Board of Directors are active, capable, and diverse. Management guides, procedures, and Charters support the achievement of the organization's mission and goals.
There are job descriptions for each officer (Chair, Deputy Chair, Treasurer and Secretary), with accountability structured so that no one person has full authority/autonomy but answers to the governing body as a whole. General rules, regulations and policies are formulated in accordance with the standards of excellence as outlined by the BNSC.
Members of the Board are not remunerated and serve as independent directors; compliant to our Conflict of Interest Policy.
Fiscal Year: July 1-June 30
The Team
The daily operations of The Coalition for the Protection of Children is conducted by a passionate and dynamic team of professionals that are deeply devoted to the community.
Board of Directors
Chair: Jevon M. Williams. General Counsel, Chubb
Deputy Chair: Dwayne A. Caines. C.O.O., Corporation of Hamilton
Treasurer: Richard Harris (C.F.O., Carrick Re Ltd.)
Malika B. Robinson. Social Worker, the Department of Child and Family Service
Dr. Ryan Bates. Pediatrician, Wee Care Pediatrics
Mark S. Clarke. Vulnerable Persons, the Bermuda Police Services (retired)
Melvin A. Nusum. Head of Client Management, The Argus Group
Yelena K. Packwood. Head of Marketing, MS Amlin AG
Shawnta M. G. Simons. Head of Business Operations & Relations, Bermuda Communications Group Ltd.

Efficient operations,
effective delivery
We make the most of your support by ensuring that each dollar spent translates to the best possible results and the achievement of established goals
Annual Report
The Coalition for the Protection of Children (CPC) is committed to operating with transparency and sharing the meaningful impact of our work with supporters and the public. Visit our Annual Reports and Auditor’s Reports below to learn more about our efforts across Bermuda.