Why we do what we do
The dependency on financial assistance, un(der)employment rate, and the gaps that exist in child protection, highlight the need for our services. Through research, our own data collection and the data provided by the Department of Statistics, the CPC tracks areas where families struggle and require assistance, formulating goals and strategies which aim to address the root cause of the issues we face as a community.
Our Progress, your Involvement
Too many children live in situations where basic nutrition is not available to them
Addressing the Root Cause
While part of our day to day operation includes ensuring that the immediate, basic needs of families are met, our long-term goal is to prevent the circumstances that negatively affect a child’s development.
We work to alleviate the dependency on financial assistance, support equal access to opportunity and promote awareness in the community for the issues that children and their families face.
Here’s how:
By providing one healthy, consistent meal for children each morning, the Coalition helps to address some of consequences of increasing poverty in Bermuda while ensuring our children receive the nutrition they require to grow, learn and ultimately become productive adults.
Investing into furthering the education of Bermuda's caregivers serves to empower and develop skills that will assist in self-sufficiency. This specifically addresses the increasing financial burden on the government to provide for those who are unemployed/underemployed.
Addressing past traumas through strength- based counselling services means that healing and hope are possible which supports an overall healthier community.
Informing adults about the negative impact of child abuse while empowering them to take a stand against it.
Empowering children through preventative education.

Children need nurturing parents
Children who are neglected are two times more likely to misbehave and exhibit anti-social behavior.
Agents for Change
The Coalition works to adapt to the constantly changing needs of children and families, by providing services that are not available or affordable elsewhere. The Coalition's awareness raising, advocacy and service provision; all work towards ensuring that children are provided with the necessities for growing up in a safe and nurturing environment so that they may realize their full potential as productive adults. By providing one healthy, consistent meal for children each morning, the Coalition helps to address some of consequences of increasing poverty in Bermuda while ensuring our children receive the nutrition they require to grow, learn and ultimately become productive adults. Investing into furthering the education of Bermuda's caregivers seeks to empower and develop skills that will assist in self-sufficiency. The aforementioned specifically addresses the increasing financial burden on the government to provide for those who are unemployed/underemployed. Addressing past traumas through strength based counselling services means that healing and hope are possible which supports an overall healthier community.

Involving the voices of the population we serve
We believe in a beneficiary driven approach to all of our services and engage clients in focus groups and discharge interviews/surveys. We also have a former client on the Board of Directors.
In 2013, we gave a voice to those who are struggling by interviewing and tracking the lives of various homeless, low-income and working class families in a locally produced documentary (Poverty in Paradise).
Who Benefits from Our Work
Children, families living at or below the low-income threshold (caregivers of children under 17), and students in public school are the target population we serve.
Open to any family in need who utilizes the breakfast program, food storehouse and the support services that accompany participation in our programs.